Témoignage sur Altiero Spinelli - commentaires Témoignage sur Altiero Spinelli 2012-05-09T14:07:20Z https://www.treffpunkteuropa.de/temoignage-sur-altiero-spinelli#comment13247 2012-05-09T14:07:20Z <p>« The problem that must be resolved first, failing which any progress is nothing more then mere appearance, is the definitive abolition of the division of Europe into individual sovereign nation-states. » Altiero Spinelli, Ernesto Rossi, Eugenio Colorni, Manifesto di Ventotene, 08/1941 Today there is still no possibility of adequate measures for a real recovery without a bold reform of the State in view of the European political integration. We must aim to the dismantling, minimization until the cancellation of the Nation State structure (government and parliament of the Nation State Italy) and a parallel optimization of the governments and parliaments of the regions (to be restored in their critical mass, size) up to a direct relationship between European government and parliament and regional governments and parliaments. The one of the majority of European countries is a structural problem, it will be not solved even with the growth.</p>