London School of Economics and Political Science graduate - TNF Editorial Board
David Cameron délivrera vendredi son discours tant attendu sur les futures relations entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Europe. Et un lourd fardeau repose sur les épaules du Premier ministre britannique : l’adhésion, le retrait, …ou une troisième solution ? Cet article passera en revue la situation (…)
dimanche 20 janvier 2013
Cameron will be delivering his much anticipated speech on the future of the United Kingdom’s relationship with the European Union on Friday. Much rests on the British Prime Minister’s shoulders. In or out or something else— this article will explore the current situation and argue that things (…)
mercredi 16 janvier 2013
Lord Mandelson has called for a referendum to rationalise debate on Europe in the UK and for clear discussions on the future of federalism across the continent. The fiscal union he suggests is necessary for the development of the European Union (EU) will require a clear mandate and unprecedented (…)
dimanche 6 mai 2012
With Europe gripped by the worst economic crisis of recent times ; much analysis is rightly focusing on the intricacies of the decisions surrounding monetary and fiscal union that Europe faces. This article does not explore the merits or failures of the Euro but probes the reluctance of the (…)
lundi 5 décembre 2011
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Les Jeunes Européens - FranceL’Arsenal 6, 76bis rue de Rennes75006 Paris - France