Alexandre Marin

Alexandre a étudié le droit français, espagnol et européen à l’Université Complutense de Madrid et à Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Articles de cet auteur (37)

‘The Media’ takes you to the local bar to talk about Europe

Contrary to the dominant ‘mediacracy’ (or something like that, not sure), ‘The Media’ [1] says what it does and does what it says. It doesn’t shy away from any topic, including the European project. From exclusive revelations on false victims of Bashar al-Assad to the ones on a Tolbiac student’s coma [2], no embarrassing information is hidden. Jacques Cotta’s programme dedicated to the future of the European Union did not spare us from any platitude. Between the commentator’s dubious comments and the quality of the chosen experts, only pints of beer are missing for the picture to be complete : indeed, expect a serious hangover at the end of the programme. Get ready, and let’s see the extent of the damages.

jeudi 9 août 2018

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