More than 4000 articles online!

, by JEF Europe

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More than 4000 articles online!

Four languages, more than one thousand writers and four million visitors. Since the beginning, Le Taurillon/The New Federalist is an adventure that the Young European is proud of. Entirely made of volunteers, we have being informing you about European news and federalism since 2005. Let us turn on our road.

2005: the willingness to win the internet battle

Le Taurillon has an ancestor. In the middle of the referendum campaign for the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, the Young European had decided to act… While supporters of the no were highly present on the internet, only a few websites intended to explain the advantages of the yes. The Young Europeans then decided to fill the gap by creating the “Together for the Yes/Together for Europe” platform. It was open to contributions from several partner organizations, in particular “Café Babel”, the “Confédération étudiante”, “Confrontations Europe”, “Génération Europe 21”, “Nouvelle République”.

After the Dutch and French NO, platform’s contributors opted to continue and help ensure long-term existence of this smart experience by creating a webzine. This is how Le Taurillon was born. With the will to keep this participative and volunteers based form, it succeeded to grow and rapidly published one article per day.

A desire to increase the number of language versions

In the light of Le Taurillon’s success, others parts of the JEF decided to join the project, establishing other languages. This is how German, English, Italian versions appeared, providing a diversity of points of view and writers.

Thanks to our strong articles and strength of our convictions, Le TaurillonThe New Federalist has been able to expand its limits and to reach different European scopes as well as our eurosceptics opponents. We have been able to interview a great number of European politicians, indicating the importance of our approach.

As a citizen media, Le TaurillonThe New Federalist has been leading important fights to defend democracy and the European project. For several years now, we have been reminding our readers the necessity to support opponents of the Belarus dictatorship. We have also been fighting for the symbols of a united Europe, such as the euro or the Schengen area.

With more than 4000 articles online in four different languages, we are doing our best to spread the Young European and federalist voice. The Internet is a non-negligible channel, more and more significant for the citizens’ information. Since the beginning, the number of our readers kept rising, thus showing the need for EU information.

A presence for many years more

Le Taurillon/The New Federalist will be around for many years more and wants to thank all of its writers. Without you, this project would not have been able to exist. You, readers, occasional or regular contributors; please show the strength of our association, such as the European plan one.

Le Taurillon/The New Federalist is a witness of the Young European vitality and of our commitment to construct a united, solidarity-based and citizens’ Europe. We sometimes have the feeling that the European dream is waning or that it will never finally materialize. Nevertheless, initiatives like Le Taurillon show that we are designing this reality. Our contributors come from the whole Europe and we are trying to foster the existence of other language versions. We deal with all the states in the Union and even more.

The reality of the European dream is to live from hand to mouth everyday and you contribute to that through Le Taurillon/The New Federalist. We can be proud of ourselves, even more during these times when nationalism seems to regain strength; we are still present to remind what is biding us. Because beyond some differences, we share more than what is dividing us.

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