Why is the Syrian Refugee Crisis Different ? - commentaires Why is the Syrian Refugee Crisis Different ? 2015-09-14T10:06:34Z https://www.treffpunkteuropa.de/why-is-the-syrian-refugee-crisis-different#comment21508 2015-09-14T10:06:34Z <p>Good article on several points, especially as it emphasizes that many of the Syrian asylum seekers (!) are highly skilled/qualified/urbanized.There are 2 factors which haven't been mentioned : 1. Angolan migrants to Portugal and Somalis in Sweden often integrate along church-based groups (there are studies on this) ; 2. Daesh/Isis in conjunction with populism have created a fear of Islam in Europe. This is also why the situation is different (also, the other migrations weren't labeled as a 'crisis' because the crisis now is on both ends (origin & receiving end).</p>