JEF mobilized for Schengen!
Jo Leinen and JEF-Belgium’s members in front of the European Parliament Credit : Trupti Rami, all rights reserved

The questioning of the Schengen area by some Member States such as Denmark, the Netherlands and France shows the dismantling of the community spirit. Young Europeans rallied in cities across Europe to denounce the threat to a fundamental progress for the new generations: the freedom of movement and travel throughout Europe.

The call to action came from the Czech Republic. JEF-France responded immediately in Paris and Lille, while JEF-Brussels and JEF-Leuven invited MEP Jo Leinen, Chairman of the ENVI Committee, to cut a barrier in front of the European Parliament.

JEF-Brussels, JEF-Louvain and Jo Leinen want to save Schengen !

By this symbolic action, the former President of JEF-Europe intended to denounce the current attitude consisting of succumbing to the temptation of populism against the fear of immigration. Some states do not hesitate to reinstate border control to prevent their territory to migrants from the Arab revolution, and war victims in Libya.

Jo Leinen joined dozens of demonstrators Place du Luxembourg in front of the European Parliament, in order to show and provide his support through this symbolic action.

JEF-France tries to alert people

If those questionned by the Young Europeans brought in their vast majority support for freedom of movement within the Schengen area, the first observation was that of a widespread misunderstanding of the current situation.

The Schengen area allowed the opening of borders between 25 EU members, a freedom gained for many citizens who do not consider it to be seriously questioned.

Moreover, activists were able to realize once again the distance between a large majority of citizens and the European issues. For many, Schengen has no real meaning except that it refers to “immigration,” such a distorted picture of the EU, broadcast by traditional media.

This action allowed to observe once again that the citizens approve the progress made possible by the construction of Europe, but they ignore the major issues threatening this progress, felt as natural and obvious.

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