European Unity is the Real Liberation

Open Letter to the President of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi

, by ffg, Massimo Contri, Samuele Pii

All the versions of this article: [English] [français] [italiano]

European Unity is the Real Liberation

On the occasion of celebrating the Day of the Italian Liberation, on April 25th of this year, the GFE [1] sent an open letter to the President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi [2], reminding him that the real liberation remains the European, today still unfinished, unity.

Dear Mr. President,

The Young European Federalists celebrate the 25th April honouring the memories of the men and women, who sacrificed their lives for the liberty and democracy of our country. Through the Resistance, the concept of a European Federation arose as a political objective to be accomplished at once. Italy, with Einaudi, de Gasperi and Spinelli provided a fundamental contribution to the European integration, which has guaranteed peace and well being until the present day. Today, dear President, you are the most authoritative representative of this political project, which always finds the support of the vast majority of the Italian people.

We, the young Federalist, feel the responsibility to keep the journey towards a free and united Europe alive, as stated in the Ventotene manifesto. After the direct elections of the European Parliament, the Single Currency and the Enlargement to 25 Member States, it is no longer possible to defer European political integration.

The world requires a strong Europe in order to tackle the challenges of globalisation. We need a European Union that is able to unite in a common foreign policy and an autonomous defence policy in order to bring a greater balance to the rising conflicts and inequalities. A Europe that can promote an alternative stance to the current American administration; therefore supporting the United Nations and International Law in favour of sustainable growth, but which at the same time respects the environment and mankind. In this regard, a Federal Constitution is indispensable for the creation of a true democratic European Government.

Europe is still not unified. For this reason, we believe that the ideals of the Resistance are still relevant and remain unaccomplished. European Unity is the real Liberation.

Italy needs Europe to come out of the difficult economic and political situation; but Europe equally needs the courage and the vision that Italy has always manifested during crucial turning points to get over the current deadlock.

Dear President, we trust in your efforts to call the new Parliament and future Government to support the Italian initiative to re-launch the European project, starting with the current Constitution, which we hope will enter into force even without unanimity in the ratification of the text.

Translated from Italian by Toni Giugliano.


[1Our friends and partners of “Gioventu Federalista Europea”, Italian branch of the JEF-Europe.

[2Tenth President of the Italian Republic from May 1999 till May 2006. Replaced since then in this function by “post-communist” Giorgio Napolitano.

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